I've been asked many times how I get so close to the Turtles' and fish and also how do I get such great color.
I'm going to break it down by what I feel is the priority and see if this helps.
#1 It's all about having the right Video Camera and video lights. The better you light the subject the better the color and white balance will be. Take time to hide in the dark basement and play until you know all the settings.
I've used a GoPro for years but recently switched to the DJI OSMO Action 4. I love the large sensor and auto white balance with its own external sensor.
#2 LESS IS MORE!!!! Shoot short little 20-30 second videos. Nothing is worse than a long-winded video of the same fish or subject. It also makes it easier in post processing.
#3 Remember to look ahead of you and think about the shot as you approach the turtle. Keep looking for the best background and watch for head and eye movement. This will tell you what the turtles next movement will be. If he looks scared STOP. I like to swim away and circle back, then I just sit and watch before sneaking in for the shot.
And remember to get LOW!! Never video from above looking down on the subject. The best video or picture is one that looks correct from a normal point of view. And no one likes the fish bum videos!!
#4 Set your video light position prior to each shot and be ready. Never chase a subject.
#5 If you really want great video stay to one side of the group and SLOW DOWN!! Seriously if you think you're going slow.... SLOW DOWN SOME MORE!! I dive like watching paint dry.
Hope these tips help and if you think of anything else let me know.
Many have asked which do I prefer, Photos or Video? That's a tough question because I enjoy both, but what made the decision for me was shoulder surgery. Let me break it down what I like about both.
Shooting Photos
I love the attention to detail required to get that perfect picture. It's perfect for slide shows and backgrounds for my PC and Phone as well as that huge photo on the wall.
My problem was the weight of the camera and the massive expense when shooting with an SLR, each lens runs in the thousands of dollars. That means that one mistake or one minor leak could cost me up to $6k in damages!
Shooting Videos
Due to my shoulder surgery I just couldn't handle the weight, so I tried a GoPro with dual video lights, and I loved it! From 35lbs to a massive 4lbs and a camera I could almost stuff in my BC pocket. I have to say it's changed my life, and I'll never go back.
If the housing floods the camera is cheap enough to throw away and buy a new one for under $350. I also found I spend more time looking around enjoying myself instead of trying to get the right settings.
I'm now using a DJI OSMO Action 4 and love it, see my posting below.
I've used a GoPro for years but recently switched to the DJI OSMO Action 4 and have to say I'll never go back. I love the large sensor and the auto white balance with its own external sensor completely removes the need for flip filters.
The raw color shot from the DJI is just amazing. All the video I took in Curacao is with the DJI and NO post processing or color correction was done so check it out.
Here is my honest opinion.
The Good...
-Large sensor
-Auto white balance with external sensor
-Incredible battery life!!
The Bad...
-Housings are limited as are attachments and lens options
-I think the DJI housing is the best choice but there's no lock on the housing latch
My Current video setup:
DJI OSMO Action 4 video camera
DJI 60m Waterproof housing
DJI Triple battery charger
Multiple high speed 500gig cards
Light and Motion dual 2500 video lights
Dual video light bracket and arms
Little Cayman, my Number one pick
Little Cayman is the smallest of the three islands that form the Cayman Islands. Dive sites at Little Cayman consist of vertical walls, beautiful coral gardens and boulder formations. The best dive sites are located along Bloody Bay Wall which is a spectacular vertical wall with more than 15 different dive sites. The wall begins at a depth of 20ft (6m) and drops off to 1,000ft (304m). Along the wall, colorful sponges, gorgonian sea fans and other coral formations make a wonderful home for reef fish and critters.
Curacao, my number two pick
Curacao... the beaches are just breathe taking and words cant do them justice! The perfect weather and welcoming people make every moment memorable. Curacao has it all—reefs, walls, wrecks, night dives—but the island’s incredible marine life and healthy reef system with a sea floor that drops steeply a few hundred feet from shore, make this a shore divers dream and my new favorite place to dive!
Bonaire, my number three pick
Bonaire is the shore diving capitol of the world and divers can see colorful large sponges and sea fans while scuba diving around Bonaire, as well as explore quite a few shipwrecks, and encounter various marine life like turtles, barracudas and groupers. Angelfish, butterflyfish, seahorses, crabs, and shrimps can also be seen.
The Cenotes of Mexico, My number four pick
This is a hard one to explain unless you've experienced it for yourself and it's not for everyone, BUT WOW!! Mind blowing for sure. The light coming into the caverns from above creating what I call the GOD rays is beyond breath taking!! The caves are simply beautiful and a must see in my opinion.
These are the "traditional" underwater photography tips everyone should know
#1 - Get close to your subject - preferably within 12 inches. Water reduces color, contrast, and sharpness.
#2 - Make sure your camera flash is turned on, preferable in "forced flash mode."
#3 - For best composition - get low, shoot at an upwards angle, don't center the subject, try to fill your frame with the subject. Don't shoot "down" at the subject.
#4 - Make sure the subject's eyes are in focus.
#5 - Get your diving skills down before you start using a camera underwater.
#6 - Practice topside with your camera inside the housing. Try taking close-ups of flowers and household objects.
#7 - To minimize backscatter, buy an external strobe/flash and position it away from your underwater camera housing.
#8 - Set your camera to the highest resolution, and the lowest ISO to begin with.
#9 - Use auto white-balance when using a flash/strobe, and custom white balance or underwater mode when not using a flash.
#10 - Learn how to use manual mode or aperture priority mode if your camera offers it, so you control the balance between the natural light and the light from your flash.
#11 - If you are shooting with natural light, shoot in 20ft of water or less, with the sun behind you.
#12 - For quickest focus, use spot focus mode. Learn how to focus on an area without taking a photo (pressing the shutter button halfway) and recomposing.
#13 - If your underwater photos don't look sharp, check to see which shutter speed was used, it should needs to be 1/30th for still objects, 1/60th for slow moving objects, and 1/125th of faster for faster moving fish.
#14 - Most underwater photos can use an increase in contrast when post-processing your photos - but don't overdo it.
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